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In Loving Memory Of:

Micheal and BRIDIE Howard

12/12/1927 19/12/1926


15/11/1988 21/03/2024

60 97

Micheal and BRIDIE Howard

Our beloved mam and dad we will miss you always

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Micheal was born in Newcastle BRIDIE was born in Dublin , they met in London when both serving in the army , they married in 1947 and went on to have 7 children 2 born in Dublin and 5 in Newcastle upon Tyne . Dad worked mainly on HGV in the open cast , mam work as a domestic in schools and factory’s , both were very hard working mam did not retire until she was 70 . Dad died when he was only 60 years old , this caused mam great sadness but when their son Sean died at age 55 this was a devastating blow for mam , Dad seen all his children become parents something he always wanted to see , he never met any great grandchildren of which there was 24 mam loved watching them grow up and was over the moon when she became a great nana , in 2023 she became a great great nana to a baby girl who was named after her and she was thrilled , Our dads mothers ashes were also inturnd at this site Florrie Howard she passed in 1989 ,


Listen To Their Voice:

Micheal and BRIDIE Howard
00:00 / 00:27

Location Of Memorial:

West Rd Crematorium Newcastle Upon Tyne

Memorial Created By:


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